31 Jul 2014

Adventure Reise: Trekkingplanung, Pasta und Glace

Heute Morgen stand der zweite Input-Block auf dem Programm, die die gestern kochten beschäftigten sich heute mit der Routen- und Materialplanung und umgekehrt. Nach dem Mittagessen gab es Siesta und Baden im See.
Am Nachmittag haben wir die Zweitageswanderung vorbereitet. Vier planten die Route und was wir alles mitnehmen müssen, sechs stellten den Menuplan zusammen und gingen ins Coop einkaufen.

Zum Nachtessen gab es super Spaghetti mit Tomatensauce, Pesto und Parmesan (echt italienisch zubereitet!). Als Abendprogramm gab es einen Spaziergang der Aare entlang nach Interlaken, wo wir uns in der Gelateria mit hausgemachter Glace verwöhnen liessen.

Across Switzerland: 31.07.2014 - Das Verkehrshaus und vieles mehr

Unser Tag begann um sieben Uhr dreissig, als wir - zugegebener Massen noch etwas verschlafen - unser Frühstück einnahmen.
Eineinhalb Stunden später wollten wir uns nämlich zum Verkehrshaus Luzern aufmachen. Glücklicherweise befindet sich unsere Herberge relativ nahe an der Stadt Luzern, und so waren wir schon nach einer zehnminütigen Zugfahrt angekommen.

Im Verkehrshaus gab es vieles zu bestaunen: Unterschiedlichste Schiffe, Motoren, Autos und zwei Flugsimulatoren, bei denen sich die lange Wartezeit, um auch einmal "fliegen" zu können, wirklich lohnte. Daneben gab es noch mehr Interaktives, sowie Austellungen zu den Themen Medien und Leben im All. Bei ersterem konnte man vieles selber ausprobieren, von Greenscreen bis zu Radio.
Das hat uns viel Spass gemacht.

Um zwei Uhr verliessen wir schliesslich das Museum und machten uns in die Altstadt von Luzern auf. Dort spielten wir ein kleines Spiel bei dem wir verschiedene Orte finden und eine Frage zu ihnen beantworten mussten. Danach hatten wir eine längere Pause in der wir etwas assen - manche mehr, andere weniger.

Schliesslich machten wir uns wieder auf den Heimweg. Zuhause ruhten wir uns dann erst einmal ein Bisschen aus. Nach dem Abendessen haben wir frische Schweizer Zöpfe gebacken und freuen uns schon auf das Morgenessen.

Blogeintrag: Nuria S.

Fantastic day!!!!!

Today we had to wake up extra early, at 6.40. We were tired. After breakfast we could choose what activity we wanted to do. There were four options: 'easy' hike, glacier hike, rope park and national park (which got cancelled).

The glacier hike was amazing with spectacular views and awesome people. The was a lot of ice. Also some people went swimming in a lake. It was very cold.
The 'easy' hike was  NOT easy but it was worth and after that Saeed, Stephanie, Minon and Raffaella took a taxi because they were so tired.
And then we went tothe Volg and bought some stuff.
We returned with the bus to Samedan and we took the train to La Punt, and we were so tired. The rope park was fun.
so that was our day,
i hope you enjoyed it


30 Jul 2014

Across Switzerland: 30.07.2014 - Erster Tag ohne Wifi

July 30, Rheinfall, was a fantastic start on our journey across Switzerland. It was amazing to see Rheinfall as it was a great way to demonstrate the power of water. Switzerland's primary power source is hydroelectricity and I can now see why. There has been a lot of rain these past few days and that water bodies are filling up. One of the biggest obstacles that we faced was getting our daily dose of "WhyPhy" but after a while we were reaquainted with nature. When I compare it to the Niagra falls, I would say that Niagra falls is bigger however when it comes to beauty and the shear illusion of power, the Rheinfall clearly wins. We rode the train for two hours to Luzern and a couple of us decided to head out into the forest to explore a bit. We were able to cook on our own, which was great. Three of us stumbled across a small waterfall which wasn't a part of the plan but was loads of fun anyway. Later, we had a few rounds of volleyball and it soon became obvious most don't know how to play volleyball. Woops. All in all, fantastic first night.

On a last note:
 no moar khadz gamz!!!!!

So far on my travels through Switzerland

After my arrival to Basel. I met my host family, a couple and two cats. They took me on a tour of the city. Walking passed the cathedral and taking a ferry system in use since the 19th century, I saw various parts of the city. After the walk/tour, we had dinner at an Italian restaurant. Everything was lovely.


On my first day of the program I went to Bern, as recommended with Salome. First we went to the city center, where the House of Parliament, the Swiss National Bank, and a fountain are. Just through the arches there was a nice sitting area with a view of the city and river. We then saw the Zytglogge tower, used until 1256, as a guard tower but is now a decorative tourist attraction and clock. Walking through the city we passed the Bärenpark, an open, deep circle that had a family of bears living in it for tourists to admire. On our way back to the train station, we saw the "chindlifrässerbrunne" which is a fountain with a man eating children. We took the train to Gruyère next  to see the chocolate factory and cheese. We accidently took the tram to the castle and ended up going through the tour. Most parts were renovated and there were many galleries with recent art. The best part of this tour was the view of the mountains and stunning garden. The sunny weather changed somewhat abbruptly and it started pouring. We waited for the tram and went to "Maison du Gruyère" next. The museum was arranged in a walk through tour with audio. The audio was a humourous cow named Cherri who explained the process of making Gruyère. She first explained her part of the process-milk, the factory's-cheese and the maturing. I was given a sample of the 6, 8, and 10 months matured chesse. Unfortunatley, the Callier chocolate factory next door was no longer open and it was late, so we made my way back to Basel.

Today I took the train to Zurich and went to The National Museum. I found the tour long and confusing. The information wasnt in English and there wasn't always translations available. I did find out that during World War 1 divided the Swiss population and many soldiers and their families became poor. This lead to a strike in November 1918. After the tour, I went to see a chain of the store I work at in LA. I met some nice people there and appreaciated the similarity to home. From there I walked into many charming, little galleries and stores and lost track of time. The galleries I went to varried. One was mainly composed of scuptures created by Salvador Dalí and many students of his and another was all new photographers. I went back to Basel to have dinner with my host family. 

I had lunch with my host family and their friends. Then we walked to Novartis, where Phillip works, and saw the architectually stunning campus. Many buildings were recently constructed and were designed by various international architects. I also saw some original documents from the 1800s. After the tour Salome and I took the tram to the Gerhard Richter exhibit at the Beyeler Museum. There I experienced some of Richter's unique pieces. Some of his paintings are remarkably realistic and resemble photographs. I enjoyed how refreshing the collection was.

Thursday I decided to go to Winterthur. There I went to the Kunstmuseum. The art was mainly from the late 1700's- 1800's and was incredible. I then had lunch, wandered the cobblestone streets and explored many stores. I later walked to the Fotomuseum(with the direction and greatly apreciated help of a kind elderly woman who saw the lost look on my face). The Roberts Adams- The place we live was a sincere and heart touching exhibit. What caught my eye most was a piece named Collectif_Fact from the museum's main exhibit. I will link a video of it in my next post.

For the first of August I went with my host family to Salome's brother's house in the Wallis. The house had an impressive view of the alps and living there was an adorable family and there animals, including a sweet donkey, 2 large ponies, a dog, and a cat. We went swimming in the lake overlooking the alps and celebrated one of the kids' birthday. (The water was a little cold for me to swim but I went in.) I also saw a little black and white sheep while walking. Wonderful day in the countryside.


(I will post a second page with my pictures from these days.)

Our Great Adventures

The ball sports group had crazy amount of fun at Samedan Gymnasium  for a whole day, we did a variety of sports. For example, Tennis, dodgeball, football and hockey. We had lunch at the same venue and had funny conversations together.
We also had a football tournament together, it ended with close scores which was quite disappointing for the losing team. However, we had great time together.

Mountain Biking group split up into an easy group and a hard group. The advanced group climbed a long time up a mountain to spend only 30 min to ride down. The easier group had a lovely ride along the ridge of the mountain in the forest and ate pizza at a cute little restaurant in a lovely little town. Yah. So cool. J

The Mountain Sports group did a hike, it was three hours long and we where suppose to get to a fireplace because we where going to do a grill. But it was to cold and it started to rain,  so we had to head back to the house. It was kind of disappointing. However we had a great time.

Adventure Reise: Basecamp, Kochen und Karten lesen

Gestern Dienstag haben wir uns alle in Bern getroffen. Nach einer kurzen Begrüssung und dem Vorstellen was uns in den kommenden Tagen erwarten wird, haben wir unser Material (Hängematte, Schlafsack und Mätteli) in Empfang genommen und unsere Rucksäcke fürs kommende Abenteuer gepackt.
Mit dem Zug ging es nach Interlaken, wo wir anhand von Bildern das Basecamp suchen mussten.

Angekommen im Basecamp stellten wir unsere Zelte auf, während die Leiter für uns Fajitas zubereiteten. Bevor wir unsere erste Nacht im Zelt verbrachten, machten wir noch ein paar Kennenlernspiele und besprachen die Lagerregeln (eine wichtige Regel: jedem vorbeifahrenden Schiff muss gewunken werden :) ).

Heute Morgen machten wir zwei Gruppen: eine Gruppe beschäftigte sich mit Karten, Routenplanung und Trekkingmaterial, die andere kümmerte sich um die Menuplanung und den Einkauf.
Am Nachmittag folgt eine Wanderung mit Bräteln am See.

29 Jul 2014

Saint Moritz

Today we went to St Moritz, first we played games in groups to get to know the city. We were given pictures of landmarks and we had to go look for them take a picture and find out information to answer a certain question. We also had to sell Swiss pins to raise money to help the Organization of the Swiss Abroad pay for some children to visit Switzerland. Afterwards we had a lot of free time to go shopping or swimming although the water was freezing and then we went back to the train station to go back to the house. We just had dinner and now we are getting ready to go to a pub before bed time.

28 Jul 2014

Diving into main activities

Today we started our main sport activities. The ballsports group spent the day playing touch rugby, variations of dodgeball and many other ball games. The games were so intense, suddenly even ballsports became an adrenaline packed, violant sporting activity. We had bruises, wounds and the mosquitos declared war against the brave soldiers. Believe it or not, the weather was on our side and equipped with sunblock and "Anti-Brumm" the first battle was won. The mountain sports group fought battles on a different front against current and rocks, as they went river rafting. No soldier was lost, but they still couldn't subdue the lord of the river. Exhausted and tired they had to take the train back... Whilst this took place, the mountain biking group also wasn't spared from a challenge. Taking on the King of Rosegg, also known as the big daddy of the glaciers. They showed courage and endurance. It was a close battle, but muddy and wet, they barely made it home alive. Hungry and thirsty, they stopped for a bit to eat, in this small village in the mountains also called La Punt. Pork and potatoes. Vegetarian food is not worth mentioning, because real warriors don't eat veggie! All in all, it was a very good first day!

27 Jul 2014

Day 2, Sportolympics

Today we participated in a sport tournament with 10 teams. We used both the gymnasium and the field situated right by our youth hostel. There was a variety of sports played such as football, basketball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee and a variety  of other  minigames.  The tournament was split in the middle for a lunch break which was a delicious tomato soup with spaghetti.

Before lunch we played the minigames; each round lasted around 4 minutes. After lunch, we played a tournament with the sports mentioned above, however, each round lasted 10 minutes. The minigames were fun, short and made sure people participated. The minigames required full team particiaption and quick thinking. They were not only immersive, but really fun and quirky. The sports rounds, although short, required a full amount of effort and stamina.

What a great way to spend our 2nd day of Swiss Camp!

26 Jul 2014

The Mysterious Red Backpack

Travelling from Zurich main station to La Punt went great. We managed to catch all the trains that we needed to, and apart from a few mildly annoyed conducturs, inquisitive passengers, and a forgotten sleeping bag, we arrived all safe and sound in La Punt.
However, at the station in La Punt, I found a red backpack that seemed to belong to no one lying on the ground. Thinking nothing of it, I was convinced that the backpack belonged to a participant, so I took it to the house with me. After we arrived and all the kids were checked in, I tried calling the station in Pontresina to see whether they had found the lost sleeping bag. They didn't have it, but they mentioned that some other people called because they were missing a red backpack. I thought that I had counted two and two together correctly, and told them that the missing backpack was with us. But when I went back to the luggage, the backpack was gone. I looked for it in all the participant's room, without success.
A bit later, the owners of the missing backpack called that they wanted to pick it up. Now I was in trouble: What should I tell the owners? That we had it and lost it? That the backpack that we had found actually proved to belong to a participant? I went for that last option, even though I didn't find it in the rooms, and I told that to the probably-not-owners.
About a an hour ago, the people with the missing red backpack texted me to say that they found their backpack on the train, after it had gone to Scuol and back again. This leaves us with just one question. Where is the red backpack?

24 Jul 2014

Mit dem Zug und dem Trottinett nach Chur

Heute sind wir mit dem Trottinett eine lange und tolle Strasse runter gefahren. Wir waren richtig erfreut, dass wir diese Aktivität machen konnten. Wir sind den Berg runter gerast mit dem Blick auf ein super Panorama. In meiner Gruppe haben wir viel gelacht und fanden es voll cool. Eigentlich sollten wir auf dem Trottinett stehen, aber wir sassen auf dem hinteren Gepäckträger, was alles noch lustiger machte. Leider fand ich es ein bisschen schade, dass die Strecke kurz war. Vielleicht kam es mir nur so vor, weil wir schnell waren. Danach sind wir mit dem Zug weiter nach Chur gefahren, wo wir am Anfang Freizeit hatten um einkaufen zu gehen.  Enrico from Spain, Barcelona.

When we woke up today, all we could think of was the flashmob that we were going to perform at Chur. In the morning this event that was going to take place kept us alive. We were so excited about the event that we gave our best at practice. We did not fool around as usual; we were so concentrated that if anyone screamed the wifi password, we wouldn't have heard it. After practice everyone was "ready to roll". When we reached Chur and the leaders gave us free time, we didn't go far because we didn't want to miss our flashmob. For the first time everyone was there before time. The leaders didn't have to give anyone a long (very annoying) speech about being on time. This event made me realize how supportive we were of ASO (organization of the swiss abroad). While performing the flashmob we were so dedicated to it. It was mind blowing for me because i had never experienced such a group work. we performed well; those who were looking at us had the "wow" look on their faces and others were laughing. It didn't matter how they reacted but the fact that we were able to capture their attention for that long was mind blowing. We made it today. Our target was for people to see what ASO does and not only did the people present at Chur see it, they also filmed it. They kept a record of it; which means that they would be ambassadors of ASO- they will talk about it wherever they go. We are proud of what we have accomplished today and we hope we would be able to do much more for this organization that we are part of.  This is from a new member of ASO, Rose Fotso from Cameroon. Now lets all take a break for we still have the rest of the night to conquer.

22 Jul 2014


Luego de un muy buen desayuno, hicimos el baile del Camp y despues nos preparamos para la excursion. Fuimos primero en bus y en tren hasta llegar al lugar en donde se encontraba el teleferico. Subimos hasta casi la parte mas alta de la montana en donde hacia muchisimo frio y habia bastante nieve. Luego almorzamos en un restaurante arriba de la montana y para pasar el tiempo jugamos diferentes juegos como ligretto o jassen. Para terminar hicimos una caminata de mas o menos dos horas. Despues de la comida tenemos pelicula y vamos a dormir afuera en carpas. 

Jeg var ude og lave noget der hed Surf ´n padle i dag. Jeg var så heldig at være end af de få der træk det rigtige lod. Vi padlede rundt på surfbræter og sejlede ind i hinanden så vi kunne skubbe hinanden i vandet. Det var rigtigt sjovt! Jeg var ernormt hurtig i forhold til de andre. Tror det er fordi jeg ror kajak... Bagefter tog vi et bad og noget at spise. Vi kom tidligt hjem og jeg tog mig en lille morfar. I  aften bygger vi et telt og sover udenfor på trods af det dårlige vejr. Lærer en masse spanske fy-ord som jeg tager med hjem til min spansk klasse.

21 Jul 2014


Despues de los largos dias de caminata y deporte hoy finalmente llego el dia que todos tanto anhelabamos. Fuimos a relajarnos a la piscina "Bellavita" en Pontresina. A las 9 de la manana salimos a coger el tren que nos llevaria a Bellavita. Una vez ahi saltamos todos a la Piscina, que para nuestra sorpresa estaba climatizada lo cual profundizo nuestra relajacion. Tambien habia un tobogan muy divertido y una Piscina helada. Esta excursion fue increible.

Mientras tanto, el otro grupo fue a visitar la base de salvavidas de montanas de la REGA en Samaden. Fue muy interessante.


19 Jul 2014

Aujourd’hui, était un jour comme tous les autres, tout d’abord nous avons préparés notre lunch puis nous sommes allés petit déjeuner. Après ça nous avons fait le warm up comme tous les matins accompagné de la macarena. Puis nous avons pris le train en direction de Samedan afin de jouer au football, volleyball, tennis ou encore dodgeball, ce qui était très amusant et très divertissant, la journée étant épuisante nous nous sommes douchés et habillés pour la fête de ce soir.

Mon groupe „survival“ et moi sommes partis 4 jours dans les montagnes. Au total nous avons marchés 51 km et nous sommes monter à 2500m d’altitude. Pour moi c’était une très grande et belle expérience. En effet, j’ai vu des paysages magnifique dont des glaciers, des forets ou nous avons dormis à la belle étoile dans des hamacs. Durant ce survival, j’ai aussi mangé autour d’un feu de camp accompagné de mes amis. Nous sommes arrivés aujourd’hui vers 12H00 et nous avons enfin pu prendre une douche et retrouvés un vrai lit, et tous nos amis.

18 Jul 2014

Surfin Surfin

Today, as always, we preapered our lunch and went to have breakfast. When we had enough energy for the morning, we danced our flashmob and separated in  different groups.
The Ballsport group went to the sports ground and separated in two different groups, I was in the football one and we went to the camp to train ourselves for two hours. After that, we went to have lunch so we had enough energy for the windsurfing in Silvaplana. Remember that only the winners in the paperboats competition had the priviledge to go there. Only one of us knew how to windsurf, the others just watched and fell several times.
Enrique Corbat (Spain)

Waking up to the sun once again marked the beginning of this day. To our own amazement we were “ready to roll”. As we reached the ball sports terrain, we – the girls – were introduced to sweden chess. To start the game, we were split in two groups. Lucas, one of the leaders ( he was the leader of the day) had to join one team in other to make the numbers of participants equal. The rules were simple and each team knew all they had to do was WIN. WoW!My name is Rose Fotso. When I arrived to this camp and met the girls, I could not imagine how competitive the were. At this camp, at that moment, I was astonished by how warrior like they were. My team- Paloma, Sofia, Rania and lea- won the game three times afterwards our interest in the game faded and we quitted. To those who are reading this ASO has given me a different view of strangers. Not only did I meet amazing people, I did  windsurf for the first time of my life. I was not as good as the others but I had fun falling off and trying to stand on the board. We had an amazing time even though I was “freezing” when we came out of the water. Hey! I come from cameroon and the water there is not as cold as the lake we were in. I will wake up to another beautifull and you would wake up to another blogger. To this awesome day cheers.

Rose Fotso (CAMEROON)   


17 Jul 2014

Heute war Wandertag. Wir konnten uns zwischen 3 verschiedenen Wanderungen entscheiden: Gletscher, 2-Seen Wanderung und National-Park.
Die 2-Seen Wanderung hat sich als eine 2-Berg Wanderung herausgestellt. Die 1. Stunde war anstrengend, weil es Berg auf ging, aber es hat Spass gemacht und wir sind mit einem guten Tempo gelaufen. Am Mittagessen durften wir im kalten See baden. Einige haben sich getraut und einige wurden reingeschmissen!

Hoy fuimos al parque nacional. Yo pensaba que ibamos a ir a un zoologico pero no fue asi. Con nuestra guia emprendimos camino. Ella iba contandonos los nombres de las diferentes flores que segun lo que aprendimos, no se encontraban muy seguido. Yo no soy una amante de las caminatas, pero aun asi lo pasamos genial porque ibamos hablando con nuestros amigos y al llegar a la cima vimos renos. Me encanto la idea de que nos dejaran elegir a que caminata queriamos ir, porque de esta forma la caminata concuerdaba con el estado fisico de cada uno.

16 Jul 2014

16/07/2014 REGA Base
Blog by Enrique and Sofia
Today after a nutritive breakfast we, as we had done before, danced preparing the flashmob, that made us have a good time with our friends. But the fun didn’t last very long, as soon as they could, they separated us in different groups and the survival one left us for three days. We, the ballsport group went to a little town called Samedan where there was a Rega base which we visited. There the pilot of the emergencies helicopter, Giorgio Faustinelli showed us a documentary about their daily missions and about the Rega. The video lasted ½ an hour but we couldn’t watch it that far, they interrupted us because they had an important mission so we stayed there until they took off.

After we left the Rega base we went to some instalations where we could play some of us volleyball and the others floorball hockey. After we had lunch they told us that to decide who of us was doing windsurfing on Friday we were doing a paperboat race which we made by ourselves with some instructions.

When the race was over and we knew who can go windsurfing on Friday we went back to the instalations to play Völk all toghether. After we came to the house and had dinner the wheather was nice.

15 Jul 2014

Today we travelled to St.Moritz, attempted to sell pins to help children around the world to come see Switzerland and completed a map challenge of locations around the town. We then walked for 30 mins to Lake Staz for a swim. After that we had the freedom to explore the town. After five hours of a good day, we headed back home to eat a typical swiss meal consisting of Spätzle and Geschnetzeltes.

14 Jul 2014

14.07.2014 Day 2

Haiku of the Day

Today was awesome
All of us had lots of fun
In all, it was good

The food was awesome
There was a lot of curry
Hashtag yoloswag


Hoy fue un dia increible. Fuimos en conjunto con nuestro grupo de Bergsport a un restâurante que estaba ubicado en la punta de una Montaña . La caminata estuvo increiblemente dura pero valio la pena, pues no topamos con una vista increible de la ciudad de St Moritz . La pasamos, puta , increible.


On the top of the mountain, we were still fit enough to present the other visitors a flashmob dance show: watch it on the video!! What a surrounding!

13 Jul 2014

13.07.2014 Day 1

Loic from America
Today the entire group woke up with high spirit and exitment. We started the day off with a nice breakfast and a quick shower. At around 9 oclock we went to a lovley park surrounded by mountains and played our own version of world cup soccer, it was very enjoyable. For lunch we had a nice healthy meal which consisted of whole grain bread, tomatos and fresh meat. After the delightful meal we participated in several enjoyable activities, each activity was located at a different part of the village. At around 5 oclock the whole group got together and learned a new flashmob dance, Alex was very tolerable of the goofy behavior but still got the whole group to focus and learn the dance. Finally we had dinner, a delicious spaghetti and meat sauce dinner; it was absolutly delightful. With full stomachs and happy hearts the whole group is looking forward to a very exciting world cup final! (with beer for people over the age of 16)

Anthony from Ecuador
Hoy en nuestro primer dia todos despertamos con una sensacion emocionante. Comenzamos el dia con un rico desayuno y una rapida ducha. Alrededor de como las 9 am. Nos dirigimos a un lind parque rodeado de montañas y jugamos nuestra propia versiona de una Copa del Mundo, fue muy divertido. Para el almuerzo tuvimos una rica comida que consistia en un sanduche con tomate y carne fresca. Despues de eso, participamos en varias actividades. Cada actividad estaba localizada en diferentes partes de la ciudad. Alrededor de como las 5 pm. Todo el grupo se volvio a reunit y aprendio a como hacer el baile llamado Flashmob dance, Alex, la instructora, fue muy tolerable a pesar de nuestro comportamiento molestoso. Finalmente, cenamos un delicioso spaghetti.    Con las barrigas llenas el grupo esta ancioso de ver la muy emocionante final de la Copa del Mundo ( Con cervez para niños mayores de 15 años)

12 Jul 2014

Welcome to La Punt 1!

Welcome to La Punt! 

Pleasant anticipation: The team of La Punt 1 is here since yesterday - preparation is in full swing! We are looking forward to welcome the participants in a little while here in our wonderful home for the next two weeks. 

The quiet before the storm is almost boring - a lot of fun and great activities are waiting for all of our 42 guests from all over the world! 

Bienvenue à la Punt! 

L'équipe du camp La Punt 1 s'est installée depuis hier dans notre belle chez-nous pour les prochaines 2 semaines. En pleine préparation, nous nous réjouissant d'acceuillir nos 42 participants venant des quatres coins du monde. 

Willkommen in La Punt! 

Das Leitungsteam des Lagers La Punt 1 sind bereits seit gestern in La Punt-chamues-ch angekommen und bereitet fleissig alles vor um die 42 Teilnehmenden aus der ganzen Welt zu begrüssen. 
Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm wird schon fast langweilig - wir freuen uns riesig, dass unser wundervolles Zuhause für die nächsten zwei Wochen voll sein wird mit jungen, motivierten und internationalen Gästen! 

Was versteckt sich wohl hinter diesem Bild? Can you imagine what activity or story is hidden in this picture? As-tu une idée quelle activité ou histoire se cache derrière cette image?