30 Dec 2016

New Year's Camp Valbella 29.12.16


Today the weather was hot and sunny, it provided a lovely view of the mountains surrounding the ski area. We went skiing/snowboarding for the whole day, we all learnt new movements and tricks in order to better our technique. It was also full of many accidents whilst trying to learn including faceplants because of excessive speed, injured shoulders after multiple 360 attempts, but with success in the end. As well as many near accidents closely avoided due to the slopes being overcrowded.
Tonight for dinner we ate “paschtetli”, a traditional swiss dish. Later we will split into our planning workshops for our New Years Eve party then go and explore the clubs in town.

We are all looking forward to the activities in the days to come and excited about what’s ahead.

New Year's Camp Valbella 28.12.16


Today was our first day skiing, the weather was nice and even though there was almost no snow around the slopes, the quality of the slopes was good. For some people, today was a pretty big day - they stood on skis for the first time in their lives. Some falls were inevitable, as it was the first skiing day since last winter for most of us. Nobody got hurt though J

Marco celebrated his birthday and he passed it skiing from 9 o’ clock in the morning to 4 P.M. It was a really nice birthday, at the end oft he day the leader asked Marco to choose between going for a drink or going back home. We chose to go back home. When we arrived we played cards together. We had a lot of fun. After that we ate dinner - the kitchen crew prepared tacos with guacamole. They were delicious, as well as the birthday cake.