31 Jul 2018

Wyssachen Summercamp 31.7.

31. August 2018
Our Day started off at 8.30 am with a nutritional breakfast of carbs and chocolate. We then headed off to Bern for the day even though it was forecasted to be 35 degrees Celsius. The first half of the trip was splitting into forceful groups of four and doing a destination scavenger hunt throughout the beautiful city. We ran all over the city from the train station to the Baerengraben. After, the entire ASO group met up by the pool and there was the choice of swimming or exploring the city for a few hours. There was delicious ice cream, refreshing water, and warm weather. We headed back to the house after an eventful day to have a beautiful dinner outside which included barbeque, pasta salad, and caprese. Tonight there is a choice to go to the sports centre or to play a game at the house. TOdaY wAs veRy LonG, bUt veRy fuN. 

Wyssachen Summercamp 30.7.

Blog 30.07.2018

This scorching morning we walked to the local soccer field of Wyssachen. There we played football, and ultimate ball/frisbee. We then devoured our delicious sandwiches prepared during breakfast, and enjoyed some free time with our pals. Whilst training for frisbee a very kind farmer approached us to offer a bathroom, drinking water, and rivella in his house nearby.
At the same time the other group walked up to a small picturesque forest. During their walk they collected some sticks. The sticks were later used as golf clubs on the self made mini golf course. The lunch was enjoyed after a few entertaining games (i.e. the bag game).
Popoldan so nas peljali v bazen. Smo bili tam dve uri. Voda od bazen je bila zelo mrzla. Kašne osebe so igrali odbojko in kašne so plavali in skakali v bazen. Po dve uri so nas peljali v domu.
Ensuite nous sommes rentrés à la maison, afin de profiter d’une bonne douche chaude;
pour enchainer sur une grillade par la suite. La suite du programme... nous ne la connaissons pas encore...
Wir haben eine gute DayJ
-Anselm, Audrey, Lili, Lorenzo and Sofia-

30 Jul 2018

Wyssachen Summercamp 29.7.

Saturday 28.7. & Sunday 29.7. 

Arrival and the first day

After a 50-minute walk to Wyssachen, we arrived at our house. There are 45 people so the 4 bedrooms were pretty packed. The house is different because there is a slide from the third floor! The surroundings are relaxing and there is a little river running next to our soccer field, which distracts us from the game because the ball always floats away. In the morning we played some team building games and we played a weird volleyball game with tarps. We had an interesting combination of food for lunch – a combination of cheese and pineapple toast with mustard. The pineapple-mustard-ham-toast with cheese even followed us to our next activity. We did a fox trail to get to know our village a little bit better. Being devastated with not finding the concert hall, we ate an ice cream at a small restaurant. We walked home to shower and clean up for evening activities. Then we played a lot of board games in different groups to get to know each other further.