2 Aug 2016

As we all know, yesterday was the first of August, the Swiss National Day. We were all already excited about the day and what was to come, so receiving a gift from the Leaders (a delicious Brunch first thing in the morning) immediately made the day happy. Not only did we have different kinds of cheese, we also had monkeybread (similar to cinnamon buns). Also, we were granted scrambled egg and rösti which we ate up in less than a second. After a pleased and full stomach, we made our way outside in front of the house to play some games with some special guests. We were lucky enough to meet the girlfriend of Valentine, the boyfriend of Anja and Angela from the OSA. A few games of sweat and laughter after, the Leaders gave us more than enough free time. We were allowed to go visit a cheese factory, and despite its small size. The homemade cheese was very delicious. While some of us visited the factory, others spent their time in bed relaxing and hanging out with friends. Dinner time came and everyone of us was ready for a pleasuring meal. This consisted of a variety of meat and salad. As mentioned before, since yesterday was the First of August, we all went walking through the town with bright red lanterns. We stopped at an open Theatre, where a group of Jodel singers beautifully performed the national Swiss Anthem. After they were finished, Valentine brought us up into the mountains where our private bonfire was located at. Despite the fact that the hike uphill was very tiring and scary since we were in the dark, we were all rewarded with chocolate and warmth from the fire. We spent approximately two jolly hours up there singing songs, lying down on tent sheets and watching the stars, lighting firesparks up and laughing until our stomaches hurt. Although we returned home extremely tired and done for the day, it was a wonderful first of August for everybody.

Soyeon (or Amber): I enjoyed spending time in the mountains at night with everyone, even though it was very cold and I was tired.
Nina: Breakfast was delicious and I also liked the view from the mountain. It was a beautiful day.
Meryam: I liked spending the time in the city in the evening, listening to the swiss music and brought up into the mountains because it was my first time spending the first of august with this ambiance and I like it so much   

Liisa: I liked to walk in crowd with “lampions” becouse it bring people together. J J J

Sports & Leisure - Learning golf in the mountains

One day the leaders offered us three optional activities for the next day. We chose to go golfing, where we learned how to hit the ball correctly.

We left our house at 9:00 and we took the bus to the golf club. 

A man was waiting for us and he taught us a few basics. 

At the beginning we had our doubts but soon we got more confidence.
Then we practiced throwing balls into different lengths and in the greenset. Some even reached the 150m mark.

We left the club at one approximately and hiked all the way up to the house.

Sports & Leisure - Bogenschiessen in Sörenberg

Heute ging es für einen Teil der ASO-Campmitgliedern nach Sörenberg zum Bogenschiessen.
Nach dem Frühstück ging es um 9:00 Uhr zu Fuss, mit Proviant, eine Stunde lang den Berg hinunter nach Sörenberg.
Der Wanderweg war sehr matschig und forderte viel von der kleinen Campgruppe heraus. In Sörenberg angekommen ging es dann direkt zum Bogenschiessenareal.
Nach der Begrüssung und kurzen Einweihungen mit dem Umgang mit dem Bogen wurden die Campteilnehmer in verschiedene Gruppen eingeteilt und somit begann der Wettkampf
zwischen den Gruppen.
Der Wettkampf gestaltete sich so: Die einzelnen Gruppen mussten mit Pfeil und Bogen einen Parkour bestreiten und während des Laufens waren vereinzelt aus einer Kunststoffmasse
bestehende Waldtiere positioniert. Es gab dann die Möglichkeit diese Tiere mit Pfeil und Bogen aus verschiedenen Distanzen mit dem Pfeil und Bogen abzuschiessen.

Auf den Tieren waren jeweils Zielscheiben abgebildet, die einem mehr Punkte pro Schuss garantierten. Das Bogenschiessen dauerte insgesamt zwei Stunden und führte durch ein ganzes Waldgebiet.

Nach diesen zwei Stunden, als dann alle fertig waren wurde eine Gewinnergruppe festgelegt und diese bekam dann sogar ein Abzeichen.
Der Bogenschiessentag endete dann nochmals mit einem Einstundenlauf durch schwieriges Gelände. Doch alle waren sehr zufrieden mit dem Tag und nahmnen dafür auch diesen Stundenlauf in Kauf.