17 Aug 2013

Treffen mit Bundesrätin am Kongress

Saturday, august 17th

We had breakfast at half past eight. We were all nervous and staring at each other’s outfits for the congress. We were all looking forward to the questions with Evelyn Widmer Schlumpf. At 10 o’clock we went to the congress fast (I really think Claudio was more nervous than us and he wanted to be perfect on timeJ) and everything started going well. We had some breakfast, we visited  some “shops” in the congress and at 11 we went to the workshops. Some of us went to the”Wirtschaft” workshops and some others to “migration”. I really think it was a very good idea.
At first, the man in our group spoke about the economy in switzerland vs. globalization and then people from the public made questions. They were some good questions or requests, for example asking for more councilors and there were other requests not so good. For example there was a guy who protested because the meeting was held in german and not in french, although the introduction had already been in french. But Nadia said that it often happened so we did not really think very much of it.

After the workshop we had lunch, which was really good and we had a really good time. After the lunch we organized everything to the meeting with Evelyn Schlumpf. Where should be sit, if we should wake up from the eats when she came, if we should say frau bundesratin or only “Frau”. We heard the speech that Evely gebt but after we left the room.
And at least,shecame to speak with us. Each one of us made one or two questions to her, depending on what we wanted to know, personal, of Switzerland or of the global world. It was really fine, because she took her time answering all the questions, even fo she had to do it in English, in german or in French.
Then we took some photos, Julie and Nadeige went on an interview and even we were on the tv. At 4, more or less, we went home. We got changed, we chill a little, and then we went to the schatzalp hotel, were all the personality that were on the congress would be one more time. In the hotel, wespoke, we had fun, we met new people and we listened to really good music from a boy who played really well the piano from Switzerland. At half past eight, more or less, we had dinner. It was a really fine dinner, with candels and all kind of expensiveness but from my point of view, the rations that we eat, they were really small, even do they were really good and art like.
After the dinner,we were so tired that we went straight home. I think we were so sad that It was almost the last night… but we enjoyed like every other time. Living and breathing, having friends and enyoying.
Thanks to the OSA, for all the good experiences we have had in this week. Thank you and one million times thank you


Samedi 17 août 2013

Attendus pour 10h au Congrès des Suisses de l'étranger, nous avons commencé par nous répartir dans différents groupes de travail, sur les thèmes de la migration et de l'économie face à la mondialisation.

Après de vifs débats, nous nous sommes retrouvés devant un excellent repas, et nous avons pu discuter de la matinée et échanger nos impressions.

Nous avons ensuite assisté à de nombreuses interventions, et notamment celle de Mme Evelyne Widmer-Schlumpf, conseillère d'Etat fédérale.
Enfin, nous avons eu le plaisir et l'honneur de la rencontrer personnellement afin de lui poser les questions que nous avions préparé tous ensemble cette semaine.
Ce fut une rencontre en toute simplicité et des plus enrichissantes !
Mme Widmer-Schlumpf a pris le temps de répondre à chacune de nos interrogations, et ce, dans nos langues respectives.
Une merveilleuse expérience pour chacun d'entre nous !

Le Congrès fermant ses portes, nous sommes rentrés nous préparer pour la soirée de gala à laquelle nous avons participé au Schatzalp, hôtel accessible grâce à un funiculaire.
Nous mesurons notre chance d'avoir pu faire partie des invités de cette soirée prestigieuse !

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