This morning I decided that my tram was going to be late to meet the others at the train station and decided that instead of going to the station to see if the others waited, I would go to the university and meet them there. Unable to contact them, I went through with my plan that had little thought incorporated. I got off my tram and came to my first of many conflicts. I didn't have the slightest idea of how to get to the university; I actually didn't even know which direction. With no hesitation I asked the first person I saw, she happened to be a tourist so I asked another who told me to go to the train station area where many trams run and one of them would work. Once I got there a woman told me the 9 ran there but I could not find any stop for a 9. I walked back in the other direction and asked a man in an orange vest assuming he was working with or had some connection to the transport system. He and a nearby woman told me to wait for the 4 at what didn't even resemble a tram stop, they insisted it was and I waited. A 4 tram eventually came but did not stop at the random spot in the street I was told to wait, but instead at a normal stop nearby. I got in the tram and looked at the list of stops seeing no sign of the university, I asked a young man for reassurance. He and others near who saw my desperation explained this tram was definitely not going to the university but I could get off at Paradeplatz and take the 5. I did as told to be told again that the 5 did also not lead to the university. Then I finally met some university students at Bellevue stop who told me to take the 9 and I would arrive at Campus Irschell, my final destination, finally. Summarized I got a little lost. On a positive note, I met many different people along the way and saw parts of Zurich I hadn't seen before. I now know which parts of town I was in.
The Rest of Our Day

Free Time
After, dispersing on our ways back to our host families, a few of us who had to go to Zurich main station decided to discover more of the city. We walked through the old town, went in a few shops ,enjoyed the lake and Swiss Chocolate.
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