Today we went skiing and the weather was just as sunny as on the other days but it was colder and a bit windy. The slopes where nice in the morning but after lunch there where moguls, like every day so far. Moguls are not particularely nice to ski on, please stop... Like everyday until now we enjoyed eating our sandwiches outside, as that is much nicer than being in the hot and stuffy lunchroom. A few of us took advantage of the option to return home earlier and the others continued enjoying the slopes as best they could. The advanced ski group actually found some semi-decent off piste skiing, which was a lot nicer than the icy slope itself.
The ones who went earlier continued working on the masks for the New Year's Eve and the masks ended up being very colorful, after that some played a fun game called "Time's Up". For dinner we had delicious pizza, there were a lot of types to choose from: With bell peppers, margarita, mushrooms, vegetarian, ham, salamy and many more. Now we have to continue working on our workshops to make the New Year's Eve party amazing.
The ski group doing trust exercises, or maybe they're just learning to carve |