11 Aug 2015

ASO-Seminar Genf 2015

Dear reader,

Welcome to this blog about the ASO Youth Seminar of August 2015 in Geneva. Yesterday was the first official day of the seminar. Some of the participants already arrived the day before and got to know each other a bit better over a nice and fancy dinner. Afterwards, we all returned to the hostel to get a good night's  sleep to get ready for a week full of activities having to do with the education of young citizens on the political systems in Switzerland.

Monday morning, the last participants arrived and we got together in a seminar room. There, we got to know our fellow young ASO members and got a short introduction and an analysis of the Swiss political system. After preparing lunch, we went on a bike tour with three students from Geneva (George, Natalie (who is also a Swiss abroad) and Simon). They showed us the many different University buildings in Geneva as well as other interesting landmarks within the city. They explained the Swiss school system to us and told us a lot about the history of Geneva. They gave us insider tips on how to survive in the multicultural city of Geneva; those of which, we will gladly use in the future.

These students joined us for dinner and took us to their favorite restaurant. After having walked through this city with them, we realized that it is actually a very multicultural place where many different groups of people thrive alongside each other. After a long and interesting day full of impressions and experiences, we arrived at the hostel exhausted, looking forward to a relatively long and good night of sleep. If you want to read more or are interested in what is going on at this seminar, we suggest you follow this daily blog!

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