3 Jan 2015


Today was something a little different… Sure we were on the slopes, however there was a lot more skill on display. We were split into five groups; carving, slope technique, park, slope style and  another group for those who wanted to take it easy. So at the end of the day we had all improved our techniques (well most…) Some of us even learnt a few tricks, though execution often led to faces full of snow and laughs for those watching.
The weather wasn't preferable due to the foggy and rainy conditions…but that didn't hold hold us back! we fought the deathly snow and rain, striving against the wind and just biting against the cold like living spartans. We are( SKIERS/ SNOWBOARDERS)…(it wasn't that bad actually… but that makes us sound hardcore :P). 
Due to the ghastly winds and horrible slope conditions we were forced to cut the day short and most of the group left with the 3.05 train. that did not prevent the day from being fun though. Like always, we prevailed and found a way to have a good time. For dinner we ate a mix of leftovers from the whole week, making for an awesome array of flavours. 
Overall, the day was just as good as all the other days and we enjoyed every moment of it. We're sitting in this small room forced to listen to leaders singing with loud and untuned voices, songs that mostly do not rhyme and our ears are hurting so much right now..but! we must stay strong and not give up because….oh my god its finished! thank you jesus. 
Anyway until tomorrow…
cheese balls
cheesy cheese balls
ok..bye :) 

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